Fundación ValenciaPort

Main information


Fundación Valenciaport is a knowledge and innovation center in logistics, transport, and ports. It collaborates with companies, universities, and institutions in the port community. Since 2004, it has executed over 335 projects in 60+ countries, focusing on the Mediterranean, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Its activities include promoting innovation, providing specialized training, supporting internationalization of Spanish logistics operators, and offering market intelligence services for the sector’s strategic interests.


Our values are as follows: Transparency, respect and commitment to social and environmental values. Responsibility and commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in work. Ongoing collaboration and the development of trusting relationships between colleagues and with stakeholders. Recognition of initiative, creativity and innovation at the service of work and organisation. The creation of value in Valenciaport’s area of influence..
Lastest news from Fundación ValenciaPort

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Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-29 a las 8.59.01

Carolina Navarro Correcher

Director of Port-City, Mobility and Cruises

Salvador Furió Pruñonosa

Director of Innovation and Cluster Development
Fundación Valenciaport
Edificio APV, fase 3, Muelle del Turia s/nValencia, Spain