Patronat Tourisme Costa Brava

Main information


Costa Brava Cruise Ports is a network of publicy run organisations that was formally set up in February 2012 following an agreement signed by Ports de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Ports of the Generalitat of Catalonia), Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona (Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board), Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Girona (Girona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping), Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Palamós (Palamós Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping), Ajuntament de Roses (Roses Town Council) and Ajuntament de Palamós (Palamós Town Council).


Costa Brava Cruise Ports reaches the international port community and trade associations of companies in the tourism industry (retailer associations, hotel and restaurant associations, and cultural associations, etc.) with which it works on a regular basis to improve tourism options in the Costa Brava and adapt them to the needs of cruise companies with regard to their ports of call.
Lastest news from Patronat Tourisme Costa Brava

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Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board - 2021 - Norbert Bes

Norbert Bes


Anna Barceló

Marketing Department Cruises
Costa Brava Tourism Board
MedCruise Member since: 2019
Type of Associate: Tourism Board
Costa Brava Tourism Board, Avda. Sant Francesc, 29, 3rd. Floor1 7001 Girona, Spain