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Costa Cruises thanks Piombino


“I would like to express my personal thanks, along with the gratitude of my collaborators and the crew on the Costa Diadema, for all your practical support in the complex and delicate operation of hosting our ship in the Port of Piombino.”

This is the beginning of the letter that the President of Costa Cruises, Neil Palomba, wished to address to the Port Network Authority, the town, the Prefecture, Tuscany Regional Administration, the health care facilities and all those “who, every day, put themselves in the forefront providing precious personal contributions which transformed a working collaboration into an extraordinary experience of life and human solidarity that we will not forget.”

Neil Palomba emphasizes how the collaboration proved to be effective and efficient right from the start, so much so that the objective of “getting the crew in good health to enable necessary disembarking and repatriation operations and allowing the ship to be ready for new operations” has been reached.

Mr. Palomba concludes by saying that “without your commitment, dedication, great sense of responsibility, it would not have been possible to achieve this important result.”

President Corsini expressed his immediate satisfaction: “Neil Palomba’s words represent an important acknowledgement of the quality of the coordination and operational work done in Piombino, a port that is finally in rapid expansion and has thus so far proved to be capable of accommodating traffic that requires services with high standards of quality.”