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Promotion of cruise gets OECD attention

Promotion of cruise gets OECD attention - Κεντρική Εικόνα


With the theme of “Cruise Shipping and Urban Development” being central stage, MedCruise was the cruise port association that OECD invited along with AAPA (the American Association of Port Authorities) to advance the related debate during the 2015 Summit of the OECD International Transport Forum that held in Leipzig, Germany 28-29 May 2015.

MedCruise, the association representing cruise ports in the Med and its adjoining seas, has been presented at the 2015 Summit which was devoted to Transport, Trade and Tourism, with Carla Salvadό, MedCruise President, and Roberto Perocchio, Venice, leading discussions on cruise shipping and ports.

Carla Salvadό, MedCruise President, says: “We would like to express our full support to the OECD initiative to bring cruise growth and tourism at the centre of the 2015 Summit. MedCruise accepted the invitation and participated aiming to facilitate meaningful discussions between OECD ministers and other stakeholders in order to enable a sustainable growth of cruise activities in OECD countries and beyond”.

The ITF/OECD debate on cruise was informed by an OECD background paper detailing the state of the art in cruise shipping and cruise ports (download the background paper here).

The Summit concluded with a Declaration from Ministers on Transport, Trade and Tourism acknowledging the ability of transport to determine the effectiveness, efficiency, and also the sustainability of tourism (read the Declaration here).


For more information you might contact:
Thanos Pallis, MedCruise Secretary General, thanos.pallis@medcruise.com and/or secretariat@medcruise.com